Dino Boy Rush initially starts off on an easy pace settling you into the game, before it picks up momentum. The tilt controls let you maneuver Dino Boy to the left and right lanes, but there are also a couple of virtual buttons that help you dodge obstacles along the way. Use the left button to jump or double jump objects and the right button to slide under objects or head butt monsters and bombs. The running platform is littered with alphabets, red and gold stars, bombs, monsters, houses, hurdles, laser beams, razor-sharp stones, wooden blocks and more. Since your run is in auto-mode, all you need to do is avoid the obstacles and pick up as many stars and alphabets as you can. At the end of the first platform, you meet the Big Boss, an octopussy-styled mega monster who spews minions and other obstacles while moving back and forth. Once the big boss battle is over, you are transformed into another platform and the process repeated.
As you progress through the game, you meet more dangers, run at faster speeds, and deal with new obstacles that seem to come on to you much faster, inevitably leaving you with a feeling that the game is designed to ensure you don’t get too far, no matter how good your skills are. You can take comfort from the fact that there are plenty of power ups to keep you happily distracted. Coin loving magnets, extra lives, flying wings, mega sizes, fiery fireballs, invincibility and more. You can also pick up items such as gas masks, glasses, (to highlight missing game letters) helmets, (to head-butt everything that gets in the way) and extra lives in exchange for stars. Not to mention some cool outfits including a Dodgy Fox, a rushing moose, a hadrosaurs, and more. All these elements definitely add variety and glamour to the game.
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